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10 Smart Ways for Service Franchises To Reconnect With Past Clients

Service franchises have the opportunity to create recurring relationships with previous clients. Sometimes it just takes a little extra work that goes a long way.

By Victoria CampisiStaff Writer
10:10AM 08/23/23

Maintaining a strong relationship with past clients is crucial for the success of any service franchise. These loyal customers not only bring repeat business but also act as valuable brand advocates. 

However, over time, connections may fade, and it becomes essential for brands to rekindle their relationship with previous clients. Here are 10 smart and effective strategies any service franchise can use to reconnect with past clients and foster customer loyalty.

Personalized Communication

Craft personalized messages and communications that address past clients by their names. Avoid generic templates; use specific details from past transactions to show that you remember them individually. This personalized approach demonstrates that your service franchise values its clients and their needs.

For example, at the end of the winter season, landscaping franchises may send a previous client a postcard noting how their hostas have grown since last spring, letting them know they are available to discuss new projects as the season approaches.  

Re-Engagement Offers

Create exclusive re-engagement offers or loyalty programs for returning clients. Offer them incentives such as discounts, special services or free upgrades. This can look something like "Welcome back! As a token of our appreciation for your previous business, we're offering you an exclusive 15% discount on any service of your choice. Use code COMEBACK15 at checkout. We can't wait to serve you again!"

Request Feedback

Reach out to past clients, and let them know how much their consumer feedback matters to your brand. Whether it’s via online reviews or surveys, show genuine interest in their opinions. Use their input to improve your services. By involving them in the process, you convey that their satisfaction matters to your service franchise.

To go a step further, you can also take the time out to reply to any feedback you receive on public review forms such as Yelp or Google Reviews. Just be sure to make your replies personal and not generic. 

Social Media Engagement

Use social media platforms to reconnect with past clients. Share engaging content, interact with their posts and respond to comments. Social media allows for a more casual and approachable communication style, making it easier to maintain a connection. For instance, if a customer shares something about a home renovation project, an electrical service brand may comment something like, “Looks fantastic! If you ever need assistance with electrical work, feel free to reach out. We're just a DM away."

Treat Clients Who Leave Positive Reviews

If you’re particularly impressed with a review left by a customer, try sending them a small token of your appreciation, such as a gift card or coupon. This is something that customers won’t forget and is sure to make you stand out if they need to hire for your services again.

Host Customer Appreciation Events

Organize customer appreciation events where past clients are invited to enjoy complimentary services. These events not only reconnect clients with your franchise but also create a sense of community among your customer base. One example of this could be an automotive franchise offering a day of free car washes, refreshments and giveaways. 

Share Success Stories

Share success stories and testimonials from other satisfied clients through channels such as social media and emails. You should also create a page on your website for testimonials so that potential, or previous, clients have easy access to positive feedback Share a creative graphic highlighting a customer review to remind past clients of the value your franchise provides and encourage them to return.

Utilize Email Marketing

Leverage email marketing to stay in touch with past clients. Send them newsletters, updates,  and relevant content that showcase your franchise's expertise and innovations. This regular communication keeps your brand at the forefront.

However, per the CAN-SPAM Act, recipients have the right to opt out of marketing emails — and there are tough penalties for violations. Make sure you have a clear way for people to unsubscribe if desired. 

Offer Referral Incentives

Encourage past clients to refer friends, family or colleagues to your service franchise by providing referral incentives. For example, "Know someone in need of reliable pest control? Refer them to us, and you'll both get 10% off your next service.” 

Word-of-mouth recommendations can be powerful, and rewarding clients for referrals can reignite their interest in your brand.

Surprise and Delight

Occasionally, surprise past clients with unexpected gestures, such as personalized thank-you notes, birthday discounts or holiday specials. These acts of kindness show that your service franchise cares about them beyond just transactions. 

Reconnecting with past clients is an essential aspect of building a successful service franchise. By implementing these 10 smart strategies, your franchise can foster lasting relationships and pave the way for future business opportunities.