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10 Tips for navigating a franchise convention

Going to IFA? Here are 10 tips to help guide you through franchising's biggest event.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSOREDUpdated 8:08AM 02/13/15

Welcome to the Super Bowl of franchising (translation: among the dorkiest statements possible, next to, "I am dressing as a drone at Comic Con"). Next week, franchising thought leaders from around the world will join together for some debauchery and some education in Las Vegas for the annual IFA Convention. Certainly, the complexity of the event can leave you lost and confused, unless you come armed with 10 tips for navigating the convention:

Tip 1: There will be no rabbit in the hat.

Stop asking what works best in marketing your brand. It’s not just one what, it’s a combination of a bunch of them. Marketing, PR, Social, Digital and Advertising should all be a part of your strategy. And just because something works once, doesn’t mean it will work just as strongly again.

Tip 2: Roundtables give you the best chance for a first impression.

You want to get an edge, use the roundtables to prove that you are the expert. The facilitators are put there through politics, therefore, use your 15 seconds of fame to show that you are not there to sell, but there to give the best information possible.

Tip 3: The hidden shot trick.

Don’t get drunk. If you are a drunk, respect goes out the window. When the red faced loud mouth says, “heeeeeyyy, let’s taakkkeee a shot,” grab the shot from his pattern printed sleeve, lift it in the direction of your mouth and quickly spill on the ground before it reaches your face. The ultimate cure to the hangover is not over drinking.

Tip 4: No one cares what you did before 2008.

Much of the content is old or recycled. Technology is forcing shifts to happen too quickly. If your path to success was great pre-2008, that’s where it needs to stay. When 2008 hit, the feet-up-on-the desk, leads-flow-in process came to an end. Proactive is today’s reactive.

Tip 5: Social Media Experts – Yeah, Everyone Claims to Be One.

A few years ago I was ripped by a “social media expert” while speaking at the conference. She felt a need to defend her opinions. Good for you. Every point I made is now fact today. No one can be a true Social Media expert because it’s all guess work. It’s marketing, not an exact science, meaning, we don’t control how people engage with our brands – they do. Today, if I post an ad on LinkedIn for a social media pro, I get thousands of resumes. Soon, Social Media will be a skill like Microsoft Word and writing 100 words/minute. Marketing through it is where the expertise comes from – and what works yesterday no longer works today.

Tip 6: Stop Asking What’s New in the Industry.

If you haven’t heard about it yet, that means two things: Either the new hot tool is so hot that everyone is trying to keep it a secret; or the new is the old and it won’t be your game changer anyway. Listen to the brands that are growing the way you want to grow. Chances are their new is still a blend of many things working in a singular direction. Those of you who are unicorn chasers, good luck.

Tip 7: Creativity is King.

Content is certainly a part of creativity, but creativity must be king first. Look at your brand’s footprint. The solutions you need should revolve around being creative with your story telling. Does your advertisements say “No. 1 in category” or “as ranked by Entrepreneur Magazine?” If yes, so do others. Find a way to standout. Be creative in your sales approach. Look at all possibilities, and watch how the people who represent the brands you admire tell their stories.

Tip 8: Speakers Aren’t Always the Expert.

Quite often, speakers get their stage spot because of politics. In the general world, politics is good – as it resembles relationship. In an Association, though, those who speak are not always the best experts. Use the speaking sessions as a base for your creativity and change in ideas, but don’t rely heavily on their opinions. As it is simply that – their opinions.

Tip 9: Find the Right Technology Solutions.

Technology is king. Without it, none of us can improve our businesses. The way the prospect searches today is a million times more sophisticated than even 12 months ago. Creating the right footprint, the right landings, the right management and the right all-encompassing solutions will create a solid foundation for you to be successful. When looking for answers, start with technology and build your creative message from your foundation.

Tip 10: Keep Your Guard Up.

For those of you who have been involved in the industry for awhile, this is isn’t for you. This is for the newbies – the ones who arrive wide-eyed and trusting. No matter the industry, snakes are there to find your money and leave you broke and confused. The best armor to this is your gut. Trust your gut. Listen to it. Everyone is out there trying to sell you something. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Specifically, in franchising, no one thing will make you a winner. Those 100 units you expect to sell next year, good luck. Keep your eyes open and your ears flexible, and you just might walk away with a new buddy, LinkedIn connection, or solution for fighting through the rat race of business.