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1851 Franchising Weekly Web Roundup

No Limit Agency staffers share links that intrigue, shock, entertain or inspire us.

By 1851 Staff1851 Staff Contributions
SPONSOREDUpdated 12:12PM 11/13/15

No Limit Agency* staffers share links that intrigue, shock, entertain or inspire us. Have you read about…?

The best ways to manage people who are smarter than you? – Sharon Powills

Benedict Cumberbatch somehow becoming even more charming? – Emily Rosenbaum

How we wound up with Ventra in the first place?Shannon Shreibak 
Miss Pennsylvania faking cancer to raise tens of thousands of dollars, and the Fresh Prince reboot?Rachel Stolba 

The reasons why sending angry emails are just making you angrier? – Lauren Boukas

The dialer app that can lend you a celebrity’s voice? – Ryan Paul

Dr Pepper Snapple buying a $20 million stake in a sports drink startup? – Logan Perakis

Jurors being not-so-starstruck by Michael Jordan? – Patrick Laughlin

Google becoming Alphabet…without owning – Jonny Egan

Leonardo DiCaprio fulfilling dreams by announcing his starring role in “Devil in the White City”? –Ryan Paul, Andi Summers and Logan Perakis

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.