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3 Questions Millennial Franchise Candidates Should Ask to Determine If a Brand is Really Mission-Driven

Sure, a franchisor may talk the talk, but do they walk the walk? Prospective franchisees need to ask the right questions to find out.

In the franchising world, candidates have a duty to perform an in-depth evaluation of the franchise offering to confirm that its the right match before signing on. As more millennials begin to show interest in franchising, franchisors are finding ways to appeal to the generation’s mission-driven attitude. This new wave of social responsibility is forcing the hand of businesses everywhere to be proactive at responding to changing technologies, social behaviors and marketing campaigns. 

Still, the question remains: Are they the real deal? Here are some questions to ask to find out. 

‘How Does the Brand Prioritize Community Marketing?’

A brand’s level of community involvement provides valuable insight into how willing the franchise is to let the customer’s needs drive the brand ethos and get involved with important causes. Community-driven marketing is key for franchise brands that want to share their missions and engage with like-minded customers. Brands that prioritize community-driven and local marketing can take user-generated content to the next step and create an interactive and engaged community around the brand.

Nowadays, franchise brands can’t simply project an image of doing good or giving back. Consumers, particularly younger ones, are far too savvy and demand genuine interactions and authenticity. The younger generation wants to see more realistic marketing rather than idealized or fantasy lifestyles. If a franchise spends a good deal of effort on community-driven marketing, it is a good sign that they take local issues seriously.

‘How Strong is Brand Loyalty from Customers?’

Since customer loyalty is all about building relationships, it creates a great indication of a brand’s authenticity for franchise candidates. If customers, especially younger ones, are loyal to the brand, it is a good sign that social responsibility is a top priority for the company. 

According to an article on Business Insider, 66% of consumers and 73% of millennials will spend more on a brand that has socially conscious or sustainable practices. Brands that are committed to doing good and integrating that mission throughout their branding and marketing not only helps spread the word about causes but attract consumers who care about the impact of their purchasing decisions.

‘What Are Other Franchisees Saying About the Brand?’ 

One way to find out if a franchisor is for real is to contact established franchisees who may have already found the answer. Many franchisors will include established franchisee testimonials in their discovery day itinerary. Each prospective franchisee who walks into the room is looking for validation, and nothing is more validating than identifying with another’s journey as a way to see yourself and your family in a given business. 

A brand is likely to put prospective candidates in touch with successful franchisees who will sing the company’s praises. Check out the brand’s FDD to find contact information for other franchisees and reach out to them directly.