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3 Things Companies Need to Do to Protect Their Brands During the Coronavirus Crisis

Branding reflects the core of a company’s mission and should be genuine.

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to wreak havoc on businesses across industries, companies are finding themselves in an unprecedented position. As a result, they are developing new communications plans, building new work-from-home policies, adopting new technologies and finding new ways to nurture teams. While companies are being forced to turn to the very core of their foundation, it’s important to take this time to reflect on brand values and messaging. 

Along with 1851 Franchise publisher Nick Powills, Charles Internicola, founder and partner of the Internicola Law* Firm, has been covering the coronavirus and its impact on the franchising industry through a webinar series titled “Coronavirus and Franchising: Mindset + Strategy to Recover and Grow.”

Internicola says now is the time to ensure your branding reflects the core values of your business and that it resonates with any transformational shifts your company is taking at this time. Internicola recommends immediately addressing the following three initiatives:

Do a Brand Checkup 

First, you need to understand what your brand is and what you stand for. Can you and your team quickly describe the value proposition of your brand in one or two sentences? If the answer is no, then you haven’t fully evaluated and developed the brand. Take some time to re-evaluate your messaging, values and image. Ensure your team then embodies the brand’s mission as well.

Align Messaging Across Channels

Once you have nailed your branding and vision, you need to be sure your messaging is consistent across all platforms and marketing channels. This includes all digital marketing and social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.), pay-per-click campaigns, drip campaigns, portals, websites, brochures and presentations. Internicola notes, “If your messaging is on point and focused on transformation during this time, then this crisis is only going to make that message and branding stronger. You may not need to change anything.” Conversely, he says, “If your messaging is off, then this crisis will expose that.”

Take a Deep Dive Into Your Leadership Team

If your branding and values are not at the very core of your leadership team, meaning they’re not walking the walk, then they’re not leading with the company vision. Good branding and messaging are genuine and happen organically with leadership teams and culture. Otherwise, brands wind up wasting time and money. 

During this transformational period in business, reflecting on the underlying value proposition beneath a brand will inspire teams, clients, prospects and customers. Ultimately, this will allow businesses to better relate their brand messaging and core values to customers, putting them in a better position to succeed on the other side of this crisis.

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.