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5 Self-Evaluation Questions To Tackle In Your Next Self-Assessment At Work

Carrie Luxem provides advice on how to write a proper self-assessment

Let’s say your boss has asked you to complete a self-assessment at work. How do you avoid being overly critical of your performance, but also not seem arrogant? In this video, I suggest five self-evaluation questions to consider as you review yourself and the job you’ve been doing.

It can be stressful to assess yourself and your work. But look at it this way: You probably know better than anyone how you’re doing. Embrace this opportunity to share your perspective with your company.

As you prepare to write your self-assessment at work, think about these self-evaluation questions and address them as part of your review:

1. What sort of feedback have you gotten regarding your work? Really take some time to reflect, remember what’s occurred, and recall positive and negative outcomes.

2. What have you achieved that you’re proud of? It can be hard to point out your accomplishments; you may feel as if you’re bragging. But it’s crucial to highlight your unique abilities and contributions.

3. What are your shortcomings? Don’t stop at simply listing your weaknesses; instead, talk about how you plan to improve in areas where you’re not measuring up.

4. What are your goals for the future? Outline what you plan to do next and what sort of support you need to achieve your ambitions.

5. In what ways do you hope to grow and evolve as part of the company? Show your passion. Express your opinions and ideas for how you and the company can improve.

I hope these self-evaluation questions help you come up with some great points to make the next time you complete a self-assessment at work. For more advice, visit