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5 Tips for Boosting Your Facebook Fan Page

Grow your Facebook fans with these helpful hints.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSOREDUpdated 7:07AM 06/18/15

Last quarter, Facebook passed 1.44 billion monthly active users, and that number keeps growing. If you want your brand to get in on the action and in the newsfeeds of fans, it’s important to adjust your strategy and keep growing your page. Here are five tips for boosting your Facebook page to start seeing your audience and potential customer-base grow.

Open your wallet
It’s no surprise that Facebook has included advertising in part of its strategy for success. Now, if you want to reach new consumers and show up in the feeds of fans, you need to allocate a budget and put some dollars behind your Facebook efforts. A great way to reach new fans is by running page ads that are seen as more conversational and less promotional.

Gerry Graf, founder/chief creative officer at Barton F. Graf 9000, told Sprout Social: “Anytime I’m doing an ad, I like to think the way humans speak. When you’re talking that way, peoples’ defenses are lowered. They know you’re not just totally full of crap.”

Start listening to your consumers and create page ads and boosted posts that people will want to engage with.

Make visuals pop
Social media is becoming more and more visual. Even if you’re posting powerful and dynamic images, it’s important to make sure they are being seen that way. To make sure you’re getting the most from your images, make sure they are not showing up blurry for fans. According to Sprout Social, all images created in Photoshop should be set to 300 DPI. In addition to that, after a project is created, it should be flattened and saved as a PNG.

Tone down the oversell
Not only do fans and consumers find overly promotional posts annoying, so does Facebook. On November 14, 2014, the social media giant said in a statement that overly promotional posts will get less visibility in user’s newsfeeds. That means it’s time to stop talking at your fans and start engaging them with compelling and shareable content.

Talk with fans
According to SocialBakers, in 2014, brands were asked nearly 22 million questions on social media. They also found that brands that are responsive get 3.5 times more interactions than their less-responsive counterparts. Answering customer’s questions and responding to their posts shows fans your brand is engaged and providing excellent customer support.

Test everything
That’s right. There’s no silver bullet, no unicorn and no one-size fits all approach to Facebook. Each brand and each brand’s ideal consumer is different. To find a growth strategy that fits for you and your brand, make sure to start testing everything to find out what works and, more importantly, what doesn’t. That way you will be able to focus your efforts on driving results and not always playing a guessing game. Try boosting posts on Facebook. Try targeting posts by location. Try everything.