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5 Tips For When It's Time To Terminate An Employee

Terminations are tense and anxiety-inducing events, but there are effective techniques for making a clean break and leaving no ill will.

In this video, I'm going to share 5 tips for when it's time to terminate an employee.

Yes, you can terminate employment with grace and tact.

Terminations are tense, anxiety-producing events for many managers and restaurateurs — the pressure to make a clean break and leave no ill will festering while simultaneously avoiding legal trouble is undeniable.

You want to use clear, unambiguous language during the termination meeting.

If you have stayed on top of daily coaching, performance reviews and improvement plans, then the employee should not be surprised that this meeting is coming.

However, the potential for them to be upset or even confrontational remains.

It is critical that you avoid getting caught up in the employee’s emotions or rehashing the past.

Remember, the decision has been made and all recourses attempted. At this point, the meeting is a necessary formality and not a discussion about how to improve the situation.

Watch the full video above, or click here to watch it on YouTube.