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5 Traits of a successful franchisor

Many franchises succeed and many fail. 1851 compiled the characteristics that most successful businesses share.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSORED 8:08AM 02/19/15

There are thousands of franchises to choose from – some more successful than others. Here are some characteristics that successful franchisors have exhibited (traits those looking to get into the industry should take note of):

Having good relationships with franchise brokers

A good franchisor needs solid credibility. The more credibility, the more units you can sell. Franchise brokers are a good asset to have to bolster success.

Be a unified franchise

Maintaining high standards from all franchisees and ensuring the entire franchise network is consistent is important to the value of your system. It shouldn’t matter if you’re in Los Angeles, Chicago or Miami – the customer should receive the same experience no matter the location.

Maintain strong leadership

A great leader, especially of a growing business, maintains transparency and looks out for what is best for the business. Being knowledgeable about trends, new laws, forecasting outlooks, and caring about staff and employees is a great way to maintain franchise morale and customer loyalty.

Be passionate

No one will buy into a business if they don’t feel the reciprocated passion of the management team. Buying into a franchise is a huge commitment and it’s important for potential buyers to feel the same amount of enthusiasm you feel. Confidence and true dedication in a brand is noticeable, so allow it to fuel the sales process.

Cultivate good hiring skills

It takes talented and successful workers to run a successful franchise from the inside. Marginally qualified candidates can hinder and slow down the growth and sales process of a franchise. Just as franchisees must be the right fit for a system, so must corporate members.