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Adweek: 8 Predictions for Digital Video in 2017

2016 has been a great year for digital video and it shows no signs of slowing down.

Digital video shows no signs of slowing down in a multiscreen world where content is constantly consumed. Revenue from digital video increased to $3.9 billion in the first half of 2016, up 51 percent from the first half of 2015, according to PwC’s IAB Internet Advertising Revenue Report. Video provides an opportunity to tell a brand’s story with sight, sound and motion that other mediums cannot capture. Looking ahead to 2017, here are a few of the top challenges and opportunities for digital video.

This year was the first real year of mobile.

Mobile now accounts for 73 percent of digital advertising spending. Marketers must continue to pivot their strategies for the mobile-first world.

Television viewing habits shift.

Consumers are now watching TV on phones, tablets and other devices in addition to TV screens. Content will need to be liquid moving forward in the new year—where content can be seen easily across all devices.

AR and VR will become mainstream.

Brands have only just begun experimenting with augmented and virtual reality capabilities. Pokemon Go brought the technology to the forefront and will provide more brands with inspiration for new formats.

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