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Adweek: Burger King Staged a Car Fire on a Highway, and Surprised Those Who Stopped to Help

The franchise's latest stunt was created to celebrate Good Samaritan Day.

Today Adweek highlighted the creativity of a recent video stunt by Burger King. Instead of a simple social media post for Good Samaritan Day, the burger franchise created a faux car fire on the side of the road and rewarded the good Samaritans who helped with a surprise treat.

“The film showcases the genuine outpouring of concern from those who pulled over to lend a hand, quickly turning to relief as they realized the flames were from a grill, and not an engine fire,” BK said in a statement. “These good Samaritans were prepared to help in any way possible, from running up with fire extinguishers to attempting to douse the flames with a handful of sand.”

The stunt is one of the most recent viral videos created by the franchise. “Bullying Jr.” and “Whopper Neutrality” made headlines earlier this year. The short film was shot in Vasquez Canyon, California by David Miami.

Click here for the full story. 

Photo courtesy of Adweek