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AdWeek: Heineken Takes On Our Differences in New Ad

Heineken shows Pepsi how to create and ad that celebrates our differences.

Heineken’s new ad is being called the antidote to Pepsi’s messy take on the current political landscape. According to a recent Adweek article, the company’s “Worlds Apart” experiment pairs candidates likely to disagree strongly on their beliefs together in a warehouse with instructions on building furniture. In the end, the pair builds a bar and is told they can stay and to discuss their differences over a beer, or go their separate ways.

Each person from each pair decides to stay and express their feelings and thoughts in a very real way that appeals to viewers more than Pepsi’s glamorized take on the current issues. The ad helps remind everyone about the importance of listening and still manages to include a final marketing message—something as simple as a beer can bring us all together.

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