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AdWeek: The 5 Best Ads of Super Bowl LI

AdWeek rounds up the best ads from last night’s big game.

Given how many people watch the Super Bowl simply for the advertisements, a big question was whether or not companies would bring politics into the mix, or if they’d sweep the country’s divisiveness under the rug for the night. In the end, AdWeek chose five brands with the best advertisements, some which were funny and light, and some which hit closer to home.

“Meanwhile, there were several concerted efforts to address the elephant in the room, with several brands either encouraging unity in the country or straight-up advocating for acceptance and diversity in the face of incoming political leadership that is seen by many as a threat to both,” wrote AdWeek reporter Tim Nudd. Brands that didn’t quite make the cut, but received honorable mentions from AdWeek include Bai and Kia.

The top 5 advertisements came from Mr. Clean, T-Mobile, Audi, It’s a 10 and 84 Lumber.

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