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Appreciation Can Lead to Less Stress

Giving thanks can energize a team in ways an environment's structure can't.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSORED 4:16PM 01/28/16

In our business, at No Limit Agency*, it’s not just about doing what our clients want us to do—it’s about doing the unexpected. Trying to find those outside the box moments that turn into great results—not just in PR, marketing, advertising, social or digital—but for the brand as a whole.

In order to constantly find those one inches of difference as an agency, we need to find our fuel. Research suggests that stressed out environments decrease creativity. With less creativity, we will have fewer results. With fewer results, we will have less clients. It’s a vicious cycle.

It is my job, and the job of my leaders, to create a culture of creativity. It’s our job to decrease the stress points, even though PR is ranked as the second most stressful job to commercial airline pilot. Even though it’s our job, there is a secret fuel that creates great moments: Giving thanks.

A simple thank you email, or a “way to go,” goes a very long way, no matter if it’s from the CEO of a company (Kevin Wilson, I am talking to you) or grateful franchisees. Giving thanks seems to energize the team in ways the environment’s structure can’t.

Many businesses focus on increasing sales numbers as a mission—whether that’s new franchises or customers—but often times the secret solution to that focus isn’t on finding a win under a rock, it’s simply a win that’s staring them directly in the face.

Sometimes a thank you can feel uncomfortable, but it truly goes a long way to motivate to not just doing the job but to also eliminating all barriers to what is within the price structure of the relationship.

As we, as an agency, continue to work on improving our business, I have put a keen focus on our values: Culture of respect, give a shit and anything is possible. In order for our cores to work for our team, we have to walk the walk. We have to ensure we are saying thank you, internally, just as much as we are striving for the same sentiment from the outside world.

An environment with less stress will create more creativity, and more creativity will create more results. That waterfall of positivity is what I expect from my organization not just this year, but every year. And thanks will certainly be in order for the effort of winning our values.


*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.