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Bloomberg: Not Your Mother’s Daiquiri

This classic cocktail with Cuban roots enjoys a resurgence in popularity

By LAUREN MOORMAN1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSORED 9:09AM 08/29/16

When you think of a “daiquiri,” your mind probably conjures up images of a frothy, frozen treat best enjoyed with whipped cream, a bendy straw and a view of a Caribbean sunset. Not so much, says Christopher Ross at Bloomberg in his piece on summer’s hottest beverage.

This classic cocktail, a favorite of JFK’s, has made its way back into the mainstream, appearing on menus across the country in its original form, which dates back to 1890s Cuba: lime, white rum and sugar. The drink was also featured as one of the five fundamental cocktails in David Embury’s classic 1948 book, The Fine Art of Mixing Drinks, the classic daiquiri works at any time of day.

With the last few weeks of summer upon us, there’s still plenty of time to enjoy this classic cocktail – and with such a simple recipe, you can enjoy it just about anywhere.

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