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Bo Jackson: The 1851 Exclusive Interview Part 5

In the fifth part of 1851’s interview series with Bo Jackson, the legendary athlete and entrepreneur discusses fatherhood and family.

This is the fifth in a 10-part exclusive interview series with Bo Jackson, where the entrepreneur and legendary star athlete shares stories of his childhood, what motivates him in his business career, the nature of today’s younger generation, how he balances work, family and his spare time, his philosophy on achieving success and much more. Stay tuned for the sixth part of our series coming this Monday, October 15.

Motivation is a trait that Bo Jackson inherited from his mother but he has cultivated and honed it over his professional sports career and in his current role as an entrepreneur and businessman. While he passed the motivation gene along to his children, he has also stressed the importance of hard work in the classroom in how he has raised them.

In the fifth part of Jackson’s exclusive 10-part interview series with 1851 Franchise, he told 1851, “Mom and dad’s word is law around the house. There is no getting around the rules. There are no shortcuts there. Like I said, I really don’t care if you play sports or not. It doesn’t bother me one bit. The thing that I do care about is you getting an education. Because one day, I’m going to put you out of my house and you are going to have to have the wherewithal to go out and make a living for yourself.”

Jackson added that when he has spare time to relax, he focuses on doing things with his family and spending time in outdoor activities - but with a focus on excelling at each of them.

“I am always striving to make things better if I’m a part of it,” Jackson told 1851. “You’ve got to be the best at what you do.”

To watch the full clip, check out the video above. You can also find the fourth part of 1851’s exclusive interview series here.