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Budweiser Takes Aim at Beer Snobs Yet Again, Actually Hits the Mark

Budweiser’s newest commercial is everything it wanted its Super Bowl ad to be but wasn’t.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSORED 11:11AM 03/20/15

Budweiser, just when I thought you couldn't possibly be any dumber, you go and do something like this... and totally redeem yourself!

It’s not often a brand can pull a complete 180 on a stupid marketing campaign (but who knows, maybe Starbucks will turn it’s “let’s talk about race” initiative into more of a NASCAR-focused enterprise?), yet Budweiser has managed to pull it off.

While we’ve written in the past about how tone deaf the brand’s Super Bowl commercial was, the beer’s latest ad does everything right. Instead of having a smug voiceover talk down at the craft beer-loving public (a preeeeeety large portion of the population there, Budweiser), the new spot lets actions speak louder than words.

The scene: Some supposedly hipster conclave in Brooklyn. The idea: Having a bartender pour ice-cold Buds for unsuspecting beer snobs. The hook: Finding out what self-styled beer aficionados do when they’re told the beer they’re enjoying so much is actually the same one that can be found at any market from California to New York. You know, the one they make fun of while they’re drinking $12 IPA pints with their friends? The answer: They smile sheepishly and admit that they like it.

Bravo, Budweiser. I’m slow clapping right now. If only you’d pushed this spot during the big game. Oh well, we’ll always have wazzzzup.