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CNBC: McDonald's Quarter Pounder is getting bigger (really!)

Bigger is better according to fast food giant McDonald’s.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSOREDUpdated 7:07AM 07/06/15

An Oak Brook, Ill.-based McDonald’s has announced plans to change the popular Quarter Pounder menu item. The brand will be replacing the beef patty with a bigger, beefier version in an attempt to win back customers after a decline in same-store sales this past year.

According to CNBC the new beef patties will be 4.25 ounces before cooking and have a new shape, making it more of a quarter-pounder plus. This differs from the current patty which is 4 ounces before cooking and shrinks to 2.8 ounces after cooking.

The change will allow for consumers to experience a juicier, more flavorful burger. McDonald’s hopes this change will strengthen its core burger platform and increase burger sales. This change comes amid the brands plan to turnaround their business and bring tastier food to the menu. In addition to the quarter pounder change, the brand has been listening to customers and is testing all-day breakfast.

The new patty is expected to roll out to McDonald’s locations within the next month.

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