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CNN: Twitter Officially Shuts Down Vine

Competing against Instagram and Snapchat, Twitter continues to fall behind.

Twitter officially shut down Vine, the six-second video service, today and are replacing it with a “pared-down” camera application called Vine Camera. The new iteration of Vine lets users create six-second videos and then share directly to Twitter. “But the dedicated Vine sharing platform and community appears to be dead,” reports CNN.

Plans to end Vine were announced in October without any explanation, hours after Twitter also announced significant job cuts. “Twitter's failure with Vine mirrors the broader struggles with Twitter itself,” writes CNN reporter Seth Fiegerman. “Despite being beloved by a loyal community of millions, Vine suffered from Twitter's muddled product vision, inability to keep up with competitors and an unclear path to mainstream success.”

Since October, both Snapchat and Instagram have expanded their video offerings.

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