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Content is Still King: Why Creating Personal and Relevant Content Matters to Consumers

Creating original content for consumers allows brands to build relationships with consumers and ultimately adds value to businesses.

By Cassidy McAloonSenior Writer
SPONSOREDUpdated 9:09AM 06/20/16
In today’s digital-centric landscape, marketing efforts need to go beyond traditional campaigns. Consumers aren’t sitting around waiting for brands to tell them why they should trust their products and services over the competitions—they’re figuring it out for themselves.

In an article for Fast Company, LinkedIn’s vice president of North American sales for marketing solutions Jonathan Lister said, “With consumers more sophisticated and the landscape more crowded, connecting with your audience is more complex than ever before. Buyers are not persuaded by advertising alone. They’re using the web, search, social networks and more to educate themselves on a potential purpose.”

That’s where content comes in. It’s crucial for franchises to connect with consumers through their own original content. Whether it’s a blog post with helpful tips or questions posed on social media that open the door for a conversation, it’s up to brands to make their mission personal and relevant to potential customers.

AdvantaClean is one franchise with a successful consumer content strategy—the brand leverages its expertise in the light environmental services industry to educate consumers on how to live and work in healthy environments.

“We really try to take control of our online reputation,” said Matt Phillips, AdvantaClean’s chief strategy and marketing officer. “Everything we create helps consumers have a healthy home and business. Our blog, for example, offers tips and educational information on the importance of indoor air quality. That content is really resonating with consumers—AdvantaClean’s blog posts perform better than just about every other one of our marketing efforts.”

Custom consumer content makes franchise brands invaluable to consumers, especially millennials. According to information from eMarketer, 65 percent of users between the ages of 18 and 24 turn to information shared on social media before they make a purchasing decision. That means they’re actively seeking out content before they even think about opening their wallets.

Content is also a way for franchises to extend their brand awareness beyond expected customers. For example, AdvantaClean is able to reach a new audience and consumer base through its national partnership with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. By creating content that is both on brand and relevant in the news, more people are exposed to AdvantaClean’s message.

“It’s really important for us to bring positive messages into the consumer content we create. We don’t just talk about mold; we educate consumers on how they can improve their overall health. Instead of focusing on the problem, we focus on the solution,” said Phillips.

Beyond adding value and establishing a relationship with consumers, franchise content ultimately adds to a brand’s bottom line. Content creation is a key factor in SEO and establishes brands as experts. When franchises have a library of content for consumers to read over, it makes them more credible.

“In time you’ll find real value in your investment through the engagement you see, the relationships you built, the amplification of your messages and ultimately, the impact on your revenue,” said Lister