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Did Dunkin’s New Name Provide a Boost?

Two weeks after the high-profile name change, QSR Magazine is checking in to measure the buzz.

On September 25, the doughnut franchise formerly known as Dunkin’ Donuts dropped the Donuts, becoming, simply, Dunkin’. It’s only been a couple of weeks since that branding pivot, but initial buzz is an important indicator of how customers respond to the branding.

QSR Magazine has taken stock of consumer reaction to the name change, looking at two YouGov polls that ask about “Buzz” and “Word of Mouth” surrounding the franchise.

The Buzz poll asked consumers, “If you’ve heard anything about the brand in the past to weeks — through news, advertising, or word of mouth — was it positive or negative.” The Word of Mouth poll asked, “Which of the following brands have you talked about with friends or family members — whether online, in person, or through social media — in the past two weeks.”

Both polls show marked upticks since the name change, suggesting its already paying off. QSR also notes that September 25 was just the announcement of the rebrand — the actual change will go into effect on January 1. 

The removal of “Donuts” from the name is part of a strategy to emphasize beverages. That’s a strategy the franchise is betting roughly $100 million on over the next year. 

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