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Ditch Your Phones for Free Ice Cream

Chick-fil-A is tired of watching its customers stare into their devices. So they’re challenging families to put their phones away.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSORED 10:10AM 03/09/16

Researchers and tech-watchers have long understood that the insatiable temptations of our glowing iPhone screens change the way we interact with other people “IRL.” In the past couple years, a mountain of studies have demonstrated that cellphone use makes us more selfish, more easily distracted and more stressed. One survey even suggested that nearly nine in 10 people feel that their loved ones neglect them in favor of technology on a weekly basis.

But it gets worse—a whopping one-third of adults use their phone during dinner time. It’s a staggering number when you think about it. After all, enjoying meals together is one of the most fundamental of social encounters.

Today, more and more restaurants are doing what they can to snap us out of our digital stupors—including Chick-fil-A, which recently introduced a Cell Phone Coop challenge to encourage people to step away from Instagram and reclaim the old fashioned family dinner time conversation.

The Cell Phone Coop is basically a box where everyone at the table puts his or her cell phones during mealtime. The rules of the challenge are as follows:

1. Turn all family cell phones to silent and place in this cell phone coop.

2. Enjoy your Chick-fil-A meal and each other distraction free.

3. After the meal, let Chick-fil-A know your family has successfully completed the challenge and each of you will receive a small ice cream cone.

Ditching your phone in exchange for meaningful conversations and free dessert? Chances are many customers will find that this deal is even sweeter than the free ice cream they’re going to get out of it.

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