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Due Diligence Seals the Deal for F45 Training Franchisee

Ryan Mueller uses franchise development website as first step in the buying process

After hearing buzz about F45 Training being the latest fitness craze, Ryan Mueller was interested in pursuing a franchise opportunity, and knew that the brand’s franchise development website was the place to start. He quickly saw the potential of the business opportunity, and was compelled to learn more, even going so far as flying to Australia to meet with successful franchisees. Mueller gives 1851 Franchise more insight into his path to ownership.

1851: What made you initially attracted to the brand?

Mueller: What really attracted me and my business partner Scott about the brand was the technology and innovation behind F45. The second we heard about it, we were instantly curious. It's like the first time you hear about the Tesla Roadster that goes 0-60 in 1.9 seconds and has a 600 mile range... F45 is the hottest ticket in the fitness market, and we needed to see what this sports car of a business was doing. We had take a look. So we hopped online to see what we could find.

1851: What parts of the brand made you decide to buy it?

Mueller: That's simple. F45 is a cost-effective business model and has massive growth potential. To get in on the beginning of what will be the future of fitness in America at this early stage? We saw a massive opportunity and jumped right on it. Done deal.

1851: When researching the brand, how important was the Website in helping educate you about the opportunity?

Mueller: The websites F45 has were very important in our decision making process. The second we heard about it, we hopped online. It's the first interaction we really had with the brand after hearing about it. From there, we went to see an F45 in person, in fact we actually flew to Australia to see the brand in action. We can tell you, if the website did not support what we had heard about F45, we would never had taken that next step. The website was not the end-all, be-all, but it was a very important stepping stone for us in the process of purchasing the F45 franchise.

1851: How did you perform due diligence on the brand?

Mueller: After researching the brand on their own website, we searched for online reviews of different studios, went and visited F45 studios in Australia and had conversations with their sales team. We found that speaking with different owners of successful studios helped us the most. They really showed us that it's not just possible, but also gave us the inspiration that if they can do it, so can we.

1851: How do you absorb content/media today?

Mueller: Right now we mostly search for what we want to consume, like books on topics that interest us. We don't watch the news, or consume much popular media. We are pretty focused on what we want and we consume media on those topics, like the never ending process of learning and growing within our businesses. If we do absorb any content, it would be 100 percent online sites rather than watching TV.