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Fast Casual: 'Look, Ma. No hands.' Dickey's franchisees using Alexa to track operations

Employees will use Alexa to track sales metrics and manage inventories.

Alexa has been a popular home installation for a while now, but the device is catching on for business purposes. According to a recent article in Fast Casual, Dickey's Barbecue Pit has made Alexa a part of its daily operations.

"This new technology means our franchisees can retrieve key data without having to stop smoking ribs," said CEO Laura Dickey.

Employees are able to ask Alexa about when something should be done cooking and what the day's sales metrics look like. Alexa can also manage inventories and give food safety tips.
Dickey's new Alexa integration is part of the company's mission to integrate customizable technology into its restaurants.

Read the full story here