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The White House is taking cues from Silicon Valley. Franchises should follow suit.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSOREDUpdated 8:08AM 06/25/15

Photo credit: Drop of Light / 

President Obama may be the most powerful man in the free world, but even he knows when to bow down to Facebook.

And Twitter. And Google. And Amazon. Actually, it’s not so much the companies Obama is looking to, it’s the men and women who make them run. According to Fast company, the president and his team have been recruiting tech talent to implement across various government agencies in an attempt to streamline operations. Sound familiar, franchisors?

Asked what appealed to him about the job by Fast Company, one techie put it quite succinctly: "I guess I just like to fix things that are broken."

If these people’s skills can be used to fix something as broken as the bureaucratic nightmare we currently call our government, just imagine what they could do in the world of franchising.

The end-goal for Obama is to create a “more user-friendly government, a more responsive government.” Franchisors should be attempting to do the same on behalf of franchisees.

Ensuring things are more user-friendly with the right tech tools makes for happier brand ambassadors. And let’s face it: Happier franchisees mean less headaches for brands.

While companies like FranConnect have dedicated themselves to helping franchise brands through new technology, franchisors should constantly be on the hunt for new ways to streamline their own operations and create a better experience for all involved, franchisees and customers alike.

Click here to read the full Fast Company story.