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FBR 50 Franchisee Satisfaction Awards: Kona Ice

1851 spoke with the leaders behind some of the top 10 brands ranked in Franchise Business Review's 2018 Franchisee Satisfaction Awards to learn more about the importance of validation.

1851 Franchise: Why is franchisee satisfaction so important for your brand?

Tony Lamb, Founder and CEO of Kona IceIt's important because royalty is fixed and we don't have a need to collect franchisee's financials. Franchisee satisfaction is THE most important metric we measure.

1851: How does your brand leverage the information and data that comes from Franchise Business Review's franchisee surveys?

Lamb: We look for trends and patterns that can affect our ongoing communication with franchisees. We can also identify franchisees whose expectations we are not meeting. We get in, roll up our sleeves and help solve some of those issues. It has changed the way we train and our ongoing instruction programs to better educate and communicate to our franchisees. 

1851: What steps does your brand take to receive such high marks when it comes to franchisee satisfaction?

Lamb: Expectations! Determining a prospective franchisee's expectations and making sure they are attainable is crucial. It's not enough to meet their expectations. We want to always be working to exceed them. That's what keeps all relationships improving!

1851: What is your top piece of advice for brands looking to improve their level of franchisee support?

Lamb: Whatever you are willing to do to get one more franchisee should be the absolute starting point for where you are willing to go to help a franchisee who isn't satisfied. If all of your franchisees wanted to exit the system, what would you be willing to do to get them back? Then do it!

1851: How is your brand going to build on this recognition and success going forward in 2018?

Lamb:  I am having this honor tattooed on my back! That way I have to work extra to make sure I never have to explain why we aren't #1 anymore. As a matter of fact, I'm tattooing the whole staff!