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FBR 50 Franchisee Satisfaction Awards: Precision Concrete Cutting

1851 spoke with the leaders behind some of the top 10 brands ranked in Franchise Business Review's 2018 Franchisee Satisfaction Awards to learn more about the importance of validation.

1851 Franchise: Why is franchisee satisfaction so important for your brand?

Matthew Haney, President of Precision Concrete Cutting: It’s a manifestation of who we are as people, our values and our relationships in doing business with others.  We’d expect the same level of satisfaction from our customers' interactions with our franchise owners, and there is no better way of expressing that expectation except to treat our franchise owners the best we possibly can.  

1851: How does your brand leverage the information and data that comes from Franchise Business Review's franchisee surveys?

Haney: We use it as validation for prospective franchise owners, or to help in the re-sell market for existing franchise owners.  

1851: What steps does your brand take to receive such high marks when it comes to franchisee satisfaction?

Haney: We have never consciously done anything with the expectation that it would increase our franchisee satisfaction. We simply get to know our franchise owners, treat them fairly, and try to align our interests with their success. The satisfaction scores take care of themselves. 

1851: What is your top tip or piece advice for brands looking to improve their level of franchisee support?

Haney: Forget the idea of terminating franchises, and do everything in your control to make them successful.  

It’s you that sold them the franchise, you determined that it was within their ability to perform and make the business work.  

Get to know them personally, meet their family, realize their goals beyond the business, spend personal time with them, and be committed to their success.  

1851: How is your brand going to build on this recognition and success going forward in 2018?

Haney: We’ll do what we always do, focus on communication, work on defining best practices, and help them hit their goals.