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Former Marketing Pro Becomes Health Care Specialist with Right at Home

Sandy Quartuccio was able to utilize her previous career in her role as a franchisee.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSOREDUpdated 10:10AM 06/22/15

Name: Sandy Quartuccio

Franchise: Right at Home* - Long Island, N.Y.

Locations: Hicksville, Long Island; Bayside, Queens  
Sandy Quartuccio spent nearly three decades in marketing before becoming a Right at Home franchisee. However, she knew in-home care was an industry on the cusp of booming, and decided the opportunity to help her community by becoming a leading Alzheimer’s- and dementia-care specialist was the right choice for her.

Along with her husband’s administrative experience, Quartuccio knew the knowledge she’d gained over the years working in the private market research field would be invaluable. Those skills have paid off, giving Quartuccio’s business a sterling reputation in her community despite not having a background in health care.

Why franchising?
I chose franchising because it allowed me to work with an established organization. I wanted to have help in starting a new business. Throughout past experiences with my marketing background, I have helped companies expand. I wanted the expertise from a franchise to really help get us moving.

What were you doing before you became a franchise owner?
I worked for a private market research company for 28 years. Entering the franchise world was something that was brand new to me. My husband, Phil, was working for a manufacturing company that produced guitar strings and musical accessories. My marketing and business development experience provided me with a great start. Phil joined me as operations manager a year and a half later. Between my marketing experience and Phil’s operations background, we had the perfect combination for success with Right at Home.

Why did you choose this particular franchise?
The approach of Right at Home, and in particular the fact that they are in the business to help people, was how I knew they were the right fit. I wanted a business that would be meaningful to me and my life and that would allow us to make a difference. I was impressed with Right at Home’s thoroughness and I wanted a business that was top notch. Receiving our first referral from a geriatric care manager was a milestone. Seeing our services endorsed and our business represented as a well-run and knowledgeable company is important to me. Also, identifying our niche within professional in-home care was important for our business. Our first client was an Alzheimer’s patient. We are now very skilled and have an expert reputation for Alzheimer’s and dementia care.

Where did you get most of your advice/do most of your research?
I worked with FranChoice; they directed me to discuss opportunities with not only the corporate Right at Home team but existing franchisees as well. After attending Discovery Day and going online to see what kind of publicity Right at Home had, we knew we found the company we were looking for.

What were the most unexpected challenges of opening your franchise?
The opening phase; I knew there were many things to expect because I was familiar with the opening and marketing of different businesses. We have an amazing team, but as we started, the staffing was difficult; we wanted to ensure we had individuals who had experience, a breath of fresh air as well as being capable to wear many hats. Through hard work, we have found the ideal team.

What advice do you have for individuals who want to own their own franchise?
You must be fully committed and make sure that you are opening your business for the correct reasons. Know that opening any business is going to be demanding, but if you love what you are doing, it will not seem like work. I would also tell future franchisees to become as involved as you can throughout your community and establish professional relationships. Right at Home has big responsibilities; if you are all in you will be successful.

What’s next for you and your business?
As the needs for in-home care grow and change, we want to be in a position to grow and respond to the changes. We started with companion services, specializing in Alzheimer’s and dementia care. Now that we have become licensed by the New York State Department of Health, we would like to expand our personal care services. Right at Home provides the support and opportunity to grow a multi-unit business under a proven system. Our plans now are getting the business to the point where the office runs independent of us.

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.