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Franchise Times: Delivery’s Changing the Game. Is Your Brand Ready?

As the shift towards an on-demand society continues, more restaurants should consider third-party delivery.

It’s no secret that technology is infiltrating every level of our lives, whether it’s ordering food from kiosks instead of interacting with a human or calling for an Uber rather than hailing a cab. We want what we want, and we want it now. And now that retailers and restaurants alike are bringing food and clothes directly to their customers, restaurateurs need to consider delivery options in order to not get left behind.

“At this point, the smartest brands are either fully on board with third-party delivery or quickly formulating plans to react to this changing restaurant and retail landscape,” writes Franchise Times reporter Tom Kaiser. “Institutional investors are especially in tune with this trend, and everybody’s watching what the big guys including Uber, Amazon, Google, Chipotle, Postmates and Grubhub are up to. You better be, too.”

According to Kaiser, “futurists and tech leader” have been promising the “seismic impacts of third-party delivery” for years. Now, he says, is the time to jump on board.

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