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Franchise Times: Tips From a Franchise Road Warrior On How to Be Grounded When You’re in the Air

Raja Joshi of Golden Chick shares his best advice for making the most of business travel.

Many of those who work in the franchise industry are well aware of the often-extensive travel, which can be challenging physically and mentally. Franchise Times reached out to Raja Joshi, director of international franchise support for Golden Chick, on how he made the most of his constant business travel.

Here are Joshi’s top 8 tips:

  1. Keep a solar-powered dual charger for your phone, computer and other devices. “When you travel to someplace where the electricity is spotty, take it out in the sun,” Joshi said.
  2. Sleep three to four hours once you arrive to your destination and check in to your hotel.
  3. Avoid alcohol consumption at least three hours before your deplane, which can may you groggy.
  4. Always be nice to the flight attendants.
  5. Joshi advises travelers to focus on the business at hand and steer of political and regional conversations.
  6. Joshi says that it’s easy to get clothes laundered, so to pack light and plan on one shirt for every two days.
  7. Plan ahead. Joshi likes to begin travel preparation five days beforehand to make sure he has everything he will need.
  8. “Working on flights creates stress,” says Joshi, who thinks that flights are your best opportunity for rest. “Enjoy food, movies, rest.”

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