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FranX | How to Buy a Franchise

Killer brands, killer franchisees, news you can use and more.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
Updated 4:16PM 05/28/21

The Next McDonald's (Big Idea)

If you haven’t watched this week’s video, there are some great insights for buying a franchise. Above all is being capitalized.

For franchisors, what would your zees look like if you jacked up the requirements -- almost restricting the franchise to those who could afford two or more units (even if they paid with Dogecoin).

For franchise buyers, what if you bought a brand where you had plenty of operating capital -- not one where you had to search for extra pennies (kids, those are currency used in the old days) to afford it?

We want deals that last, not deals that close and close again.


News You Can (Actually) Use


Franchisees Kicking Ass: The Franchisee Is King

The Great Franchisee: Tracy Statler, Amazing Lash Studio, Gainesville, VA

As a female entrepreneur, Statler has always had a passion for empowering other women. Now, she’s leveraging that passion to open her second unit with the fast-growing eyelash extension brand.

Tracy Statler has led a successful career in both the technology and real estate industries, but she has always had an eye on business ownership. She says she wanted to build a culture where she could not only employ young women but also inspire them to pursue their dreams. Today, she has accomplished that dream as a franchise owner with Amazing Lash* Studio® the 260-plus unit eyelash extension brand.

Statler and her husband Patrick will open their second Amazing Lash Studio*®, located at 13954 Promenade Commons Street in Gainesville, Virginia, on June 29th, 2021.

Read her full story here.


Yo Broker, Sell My Franchise

We were recently talking to a franchise broker leader about franchisors presenting their why you/why now to the broker network. His statement was that franchisors often fumble, read from index cards and straight-up don’t impress when presenting.

Practice makes perfect. As does wowing the audience. Presentation plays a big role in franchising.