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Fundraisers Using Instagram Stories Will Soon Receive Help from Stickers

Users will be able to both cue others and collect donations for charitable causes thanks to a donation sticker.

By Katie LaTourStaff Writer
5:17PM 02/20/19

Social media platform Instagram will roll out donation stickers for their “story” feature this year, according to an article in Entrepreneur. The feature follows the introduction of a near-identical functionality on Facebook which has already raised over $1 billion, according to the article.

While the potential to make contributions to charitable causes is certainly a promising feature of Instagram’s forthcoming stickers, the article also pointed out that “Mark Zuckerberg has been pretty vocal recently about the role commerce will play for Facebook's family of apps, and its fundraising feature has supported that. Enter your card details once and the platform will keep them on file unless you go through a pretty laborious process to remove them.”

That could raise some eyebrows for those concerned with cybersecurity.

That being said, Instagram is wise to ride the digital commerce tide--or, perhaps said better, to drive it. The platform already allows for users to shop retail offerings through stories and posts and the focus on electronic and mobile purchasing has caused more and more restaurants to adopts third-party delivery.

Be it as a result of traditional consumer commerce or charitable donations, the option to collect payment through social media platforms is here to stay...because social media drives business.

Read the full story here.