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Giving Young Entrepreneurs a Chance Through University Franchise Business Classes

Missouri Western State University has created The Center for Franchise Development to provide business students with the opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship and intern with major franchises.

Missouri Western State University added a new installment to their Steven L. Craig School of Business. Now offering entrepreneurship courses, the university is able to provide business students with the opportunity to engage with the world of franchising.

News-Press Now stated that the franchise business world has seen steady growth over the past few years, and “in the age of start-ups, founding one’s own business might seem more attainable than ever. While small businesses allow for nearly unlimited freedom and creativity, franchises can offer more stability for young entrepreneurs.

Franchising provides a more individualized position in a business while allowing owners to still be a part of a larger company. The university is partnering with various franchisors, such as Auntie Anne’s, Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, Which Wich and more to give students a hands-on approach to learn from and work with a franchise. Using applied learning provides future franchisees with a base foundation of knowledge and experience, as students can hone their skills and dive deep into the strategies required to own their own business.

As a culminating event, Missouri Western’s The Center for Franchise Development hosts a competition each year for seniors in which the winner is offered the opportunity to own and operate their own franchise, providing the ultimate learning experience.

Read the article here.