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How Death Teaches Us To Live A PURPOSEFUL LIFE

Facing death is a powerful thing and experiencing the death of a loved one can teach you to appreciate your life more as you come to realize that life is short.

By Carrie Luxem1851 Franchise Contributor
Updated 10:10AM 12/21/21

What does death teach us about life? Facing death is a powerful thing and experiencing the death of a loved one can teach you to appreciate your life more as you come to realize that life is short. Today, I celebrate my late dad's birthday and want to share with you some lessons from death that have shown me the importance of leading a purposeful life.

When my dad fell ill, I was able to spend time with him during his final moments. This allowed me to focus less on the future and instead really immerse myself in the present, and in spending time with him. And I'm glad I did. Life is short just to be consumed by things other than those that you love. It shouldn't be spent taking people and moments for granted.

While life can be filled with challenges and tribulations, it’s important to experience it fully and live every moment. This is because nothing in life is permanent. The things we go through and the moments we have are all fleeting.

We've got to lead the life we truly want — the one that will really make us happy. I hope that you can appreciate your life more and live a purposeful life that allows you to do what you love. Life is short. Let’s take these lessons from death and live our lives fully!