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How Franchisees Can Best Run Their Locations in the Digital Age

By utilizing franchisor innovation efforts, engaging consumers and employing successful online marketing strategies, franchisees are able to make the most of running a local business in today’s technology-centric environment.

By Cassidy McAloonSenior Writer
SPONSORED 2:14PM 07/21/16

For years, local franchise owners were likely to experience success if they simply adhered to their brands’ playbook and established a strong presence in their local communities. But now, thanks to their ever-growing digital footprints, there’s another step franchisees need to take in order to get their businesses off the ground: tapping into the right technology.

It’s increasingly important for brands to partner with franchisees who know how to stand out in the digital age. From social media platforms to online marketing strategies, local business owners need to thoroughly understand the latest technology and utilize it as best they can in order to reach the widest possible number of consumers. Without that digital knowledge, franchisees won’t have all the tools they need to separate themselves from the competition.

Here are three things franchisees can do to best run their locations in the digital age:

Utilize Franchisor Innovation Efforts:

At its core, the franchising industry is built on local business owners adhering to a set of best policies and practices that keep brands consistent from unit to unit. But that uniformity doesn’t mean that franchisors aren’t open to change.

Top brands are constantly looking for ways to take their businesses to the next level. That means innovating whenever possible, particularly in the realm of technology. When a franchisor rolls out a new e-learning program or mobile loyalty app, it’s up to franchisees to fully embrace those efforts. They’re ultimately put in place to help local business owners be successful.

Engage Consumers:

Sending out a tweet or organizing a Facebook contest isn’t enough to make a franchise stand out online—it’s essential for franchisees to be responsive to their digitally savvy consumers. Tracey Moon, vice president of marketing for FranConnect, highlights this online connection in her recap from the International Franchise Association’s 2016 convention.

“With digital, social and mobile, consumers are sharing their opinions and experiences with brands. And all brands, no matter how large or small, need to be engaged and connected—not just with the consumer, but also, with those within their franchise network.”

The booming digital environment creates a space for franchisees to interact with their customers in a way that’s never been done before. If a patron posts a review or sends a question to a local business, it’s up to that owner—or the owner’s team of employees—to respond to that consumer as quickly as possible.

In an interview with Nation’s Restaurant News, Jay Baer, the author of customer service books like “Hug Your Haters: How to Embrace Complaints and Keep Your Customers,” explains why failing to respond to consumers online is detrimental to a franchise’s business.

“No response is a response. It’s a response that says, ‘We don’t care about you at all.’ And that’s a dangerous game to play with the loyalty of your patrons,” said Baer.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Digital Marketing:

By now, there isn’t a franchisee in business who doesn’t know the importance of online marketing and advertising. All franchisors have strategies in place that promote their brand online in order to drum up more business, opening the door for local owners to build on that momentum themselves.

Digital marketing efforts don’t need to be generic—through targeted campaigns and promotions, franchisees can send different messages to specific groups of consumers. That attention to detail is typically well received among customers, ultimately helping franchisees add to their bottom lines.