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How Managers Can More Effectively Engage Employees

It starts with bringing your focused attention to every conversation.

As a manager, you may find it hard to bring your focused attention to the present moment because there are so many things that you need to be thinking about all the time. In this video, I stress the importance of good listening skills and explain why it can help you engage people in the workplace.

You are a busy person. There is no doubt about that. But when you’re around your team members, it is critical that you give them your full attention. In a meeting, don’t automatically reach for your phone while someone else is talking, don’t start thinking about what you need to do later that day. Small as these things may seem, they can make a big impact on your ability to engage people.

Having focused attention shows respect for your employees, which in turn helps motivate them. By making your employees feel heard, they will feel like they belong, and they’ll feel a greater desire to take part in the business.

Nobody wants to feel like they are being ignored. You don't want to alienate your employees, but if you’re not truly listening actively — that is, with your body language as well as your attention — your employees may lose motivation.

To really engage people, you need to give them a voice. But a voice is only good if it’s listened to. Bring your focused attention to your team each and every time you meet with them. When your employees feel heard, they will be more willing to listen to you.