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How not to Instagram at your office party

You’ve worked hard all year, you deserve to cut loose. You’re an adult, so you know (or at least are supposed to know) the rules that should govern your behavior at your office holiday party. But does your snap-happy camera trigger finger know them? I know my colleague Lauren Boukas shared her do.....

By JONNY EGANType here
SPONSOREDUpdated 3:03AM 08/10/15
You’ve worked hard all year, you deserve to cut loose. You’re an adult, so you know (or at least are supposed to know) the rules that should govern your behavior at your office holiday party. But does your snap-happy camera trigger finger know them? I know my colleague Lauren Boukas shared her do’s and don’ts for holiday party etiquette already, but I’m concerned only with don’ts when it comes to Instagram and the end-of-the-year bash — and you should be too. Here are five Instagram photos you should think twice about posting, for both your and your co-workers’ sakes. The too-many-shots shot Everybody loves the idea of an open bar at the holiday party. I know I do. Although you might over-indulge, you can save yourself a lot of embarrassment if the only people to see you hammered are the people you have to face the next day. The rest of the world doesn’t need to see you slamming your twelfth tequila shot, so don’t put that picture on Instagram.       The workers-gone-wild shot This category of Instagram photo is closely related to the first type. So your co-workers are a little over-served and decide to move the dance floor to a table top, like an old late-night commercial for “Girls Gone Wild.” They have to live with the memory longer than just the next day, so don’t post any incriminating photos and make it worse. There is no need to make the Internet suffer too.     The confidential-information shot It’s only natural for you and your best work buddy to take some photos at your holiday party. Just make sure that there are no revealing whiteboards or computer screens in the background. Months of planning could go up in smoke if a competitor gets a glimpse at some of your company’s big plans.         The exorbitant-check shot Occupy Wall Street might have petered out years ago, but conspicuous consumption is still out of style, so save the humble-brag shot of the massive bill the company just paid for food and drinks at some cool venue. Nobody needs to see how much your boss just spent — especially the clients, who you definitely don’t want thinking about bottles of Champagne the next time they receive an invoice from your company.     The next-day selfie By no means should you put your hung-over mug on Instagram the next day. Especially if you’ve called in “sick.” Think you look like hell the morning after the company party? Imagine what you’ll look like if your supervisor tosses you out on the street.