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How to Amplify Your Sales with Steve Heroux of Victory Selling

The sales-training expert offered his best tips for businesses hoping to turn the COVID-19 crisis into a growth opportunity.

Steve Heroux’s sales consultancy, Victory Selling, offers sales training and guidance for brands from a range of industries. Focusing on sales intelligence and sales and performance, Heroux has developed a number of innovative strategies that have been adopted by brands including UPS, Aflac and Weber Wealth Advisors among other sales giants. 

1851 Franchise publisher Nick Powills and Charles Internicola spoke with Heroux to learn what kind of sales strategies businesses can implement in light of the coronavirus pandemic to turn a dire crisis into a profitable opportunity.

Here are some of the key insights from their discussion. 

A Learning Mindset

Businesses have had to shift and pivot their services and operations as consumers and businesses alike have moved to a more virtual world. And it has been a particularly difficult time for brick and mortar businesses. Many companies have a “Woe is me” mindset right now, which is understandable given the difficult climate, but it’s not going to fix anything. Instead, they need to transition their mindset into a learning mode. 

This is the offseason. People who take this opportunity to learn new processes and get into a learning mindset will come out as champions on the other side. The ones who are operating in a bad mindset will struggle. People need to be optimistic, build relationships and make new connections. That will build the pipeline for new business to come in. 

Out With The Old

Old-school sales methods and mentalities do not work in 2020 and they certainly won’t work after COVID-19. 

Victory Selling offers a game-changing tool called the Sales DNA Test, which measures salespeople on the inside and helps them recognize their biggest challenges. From there, a roadmap can be created to fix those issues. 

Emphasizing The Value of Sales

Franchisors too often neglect teaching sales techniques to their franchisees. They need to train franchisees to sell more effectively. It’s more than just providing a script of what to say when someone calls the business. You cannot build a business without sales. A great product will only take you so far. 

If salespeople, even those with past success, take the time to work on the things that have been holding them back, they will ascend to higher levels. 

Businesses sometimes equate sales to marketing, and those are two different things. 

Victory Selling has worked with real estate brokers who spend $10,000 a month on leads and nothing on sales training, which is a major issue. 

Perfecting Culture

Building a culture of service and caring is essential.

When it comes to acquiring customers, the attitude should not be the old adage “Always be closing” but instead “Always be keeping.” If business owners do not have that mentality permeating through their culture, they will lose people. The company message will get misconstrued, retention will be low and turnover will be high. 

Don’t spend time with people who do not fit your organization’s avatar and model. Avoid the mindset of needing to sell to everyone.