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How to get PR for your start-up

No money to pay a PR firm? Don't panic; you still have options.

By Lauren Turner1851 Franchise Contributor
SPONSORED 8:08AM 03/12/15

When people find out I’m a public relations professional, the two questions that follow are: 1) So what do you do? and 2) Can you get me PR? Of course I can get you PR, but do you have a budget? The answer for many start-ups is their budget is minimal to non-existent. But if you can’t afford to hire someone to help you get press, you can still try on your own to spread the word.

Public relations is referred to as “earned media.” It’s not an ad that you designed and placed. You don’t spend money for the article to run - the reporter genuinely chose to cover your company. This validation from an outside source is viewed as more credible and worth more to the audience.

To get started, you have to ask yourself: What is my story?

Before you can get press, you need to sit down and figure out what exactly your story is. Start by gathering your thoughts on what makes your concept new, different, exciting and unique. Also, as a founder, determine what drives you and what is special about your background or interests.

Is your founder’s story really inspiring? Did your ill parents’ dietary needs motivate you to create a certain meal replacement? Do you have a personal interest that would blow people away, such as completing a marathon on every continent? Dig deep to figure out what story you want placed in the media and what makes you and your company interesting. Having a business that exists is not a story. However, there are plenty of stories existing around you as a person and your start-up that are worthy of pitching.

Once you figure out the stories you want to tell, you need to get to work on getting them published.

Wherever you are based is a good place to start. To find the right reporter who might give you some ink, read your city’s local newspaper and business journal. If you are a restaurant, find who covers food, and then look for their phone number and email address online. Most business journals have the reporter’s contact information listed. Try calling that reporter to see if he or she has a minute to speak to you about your new and exciting concept. If their contact information is not listed, try calling the news desk. Someone is usually nice enough to tell you the reporter you’re looking for and possibly a phone number and email address to find them. At No Limit Agency*, we use a full database of reporters’ contact information called Cision. However, it’s doubtful you would want to pay for a full database if you are pitching your start-up.

Aside from your city’s local press, you should also look into pitching trade magazines and online outlets for whatever industry you’re in. If you’re in technology, contact as many websites that are about tech to try to get coverage on what you’re doing. If other people read about what you’re doing, you might find that more reporters will become interested in your business and begin reaching out to you to learn more.

And finally, once you get the press, push it out through all possible outlets to extend the life of your coverage! Post it on all social media channels for your brand and your personal pages, put it on your blog, send it out in your newsletter and email it to your friends and family. Once you get that press, make sure everyone knows about it!

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.