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How Wearing Embarrassing Pants Made Me Less Embarrassed

Sometimes when you go outside of your comfort zone, you can set a new threshold for what can embarrass you.

With the Cubs down 3-0 in the Los Angeles Dodgers series, I decided to pull out all stops. This meant wearing the most embarrassing pants possible.

Admittedly, I am a little superstitious. I thought that by wearing embarrassing pants full of Cubs colors, I could somehow will a change in performance by the loveable winners.

I put on my Bill Murray golf shirt (thanks, Dad), my embarrassing pants, a white belt, and my lucky Cubs hat and started my walk to Wrigley. Seconds after opening the front door to my house and walking out, I felt regret. Not for the juju that I could potentially give to my favorite team, but more so because I knew people would laugh, point and stare at me.

This wasn’t the first time I wore these pants. This was their sophomore performance.

About a month prior, I felt as if the mood in our office at No Limit Agency* and 1851 was slightly under the weather. As a leader of the organization, I felt that it was up to me to do something special. I pulled out the embarrassing pants and tried to change the juju of the office. As I exited the elevator from the parking garage in our building, I received my first stare, followed by another and another. People were gracing me with a disapproving look that screamed, “What the hell are you wearing?”

As I neared the security guard, he too looked at me like an idiot. I wondered what I had done.

My confidence diminished and my head went from sturdy and proud to saggy with little eye contact. As I entered the elevator to our office, I had second thoughts. However, quickly said to myself, “No, this is not something to be embarrassed about, it’s something to build happiness and confidence”.

I swung open the office door, and the first person who saw me smiled. The new person who saw me giggled. This continued. I found a way, through my embarrassing pants, to create some good juju in the office.

As I walked the three-ish miles to Wrigley, people started to smile, giggle and laugh, too. Suddenly, people started saying, “Go Cubs” or “I love your pants!” I wore something that triggered complete strangers to say something positive to me – all because of my embarrassing pants.

At the game, I stopped counting “nice pants” comments at 50. At the game, the Cubs won.

While I am sure the pants did not will the Cubs to their only win in the divisional playoffs against the monstrous team from L.A., I am confident the pants created some happy moments.

Sometimes when you go outside of your comfort zone you can set a new threshold for what can embarrass you. Without fear, anything is possible. If you are feeling in a rut, need some juju, or want to guide people to something special – step outside your norm. You may be surprised at the outcome. 

*This brand is a paid partner of 1851 Franchise. For more information on paid partnerships please click here.