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Important Franchise Reminder: Don't Try to Make Your Brand Cool by Rapping

Website forever shines a light on McDonald's' dark hip hop past.

By Nick Powills1851 Franchise Publisher
SPONSOREDUpdated 7:07AM 06/25/15

Thought the hipster-dad reincarnation of the Hamburglar was the first time McDonald’s trotted out a cringe-worthy brand revamp in order to be one of the kewl kids? Think again, sucka!

As A.V. Club recently pointed out, the burger giant has tried to be down with the youngins in the past by applying some serious ‘tude to its corporate image. Look no further than the above advertisement, which, much like that video in “The Ring,” will ultimately lead to your destruction if you watch it for too long.

If, for some deranged reason, you want more, visit, a clearinghouse for the facepalmiest “urban” ads McDonald’s has to offer.

And franchise brands, let this be a lesson: Please, please, please don’t start rapping to get teens to buy your burgers.