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International Franchise Association Chairman Aziz Hashim Explains What’s Really Hurting Small Businesses

The IFA leader and multi-unit franchisee appeared on Fox Business, saying regulatory uncertainty is preventing businesses from growing.

By Cassidy McAloonSenior Writer
SPONSOREDUpdated 2:14PM 05/06/16

The franchising industry is facing a roadblock as more states raise minimum wages and business owners are forced to fire workers in order to keep up with growing costs. Aziz Hashim, Chairman of the International Franchise Association, appeared on Fox Business to explain that it’s up to all of the presidential candidates to lay out clear plans to work with small businesses in order to create future opportunities.

“It can be a lot better if we have some certainty as to the policies the government would like to put forward. And as you know, business does well when we have certainty, and right now we feel as if there are a number of attacks on small business,” said Hashim.

One of those attacks is the recent move in the industry too impose joint-employer standards on franchises. The IFA says that unfairly puts locally owned franchises on the same level as large conglomerates, and ultimately hurts opportunities for people to start small businesses and create jobs.

“We have all these regulations which really are not solving any problems, but they’re creating more burdens. And they’re really hurting the ladder of opportunity for millions of Americans,” said Hashim.

Click here to watch the full Fox Business segment.