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Lots Of Ideas But No Execution? TAKE ACTION W/ These 4 Tips

You may have any number of great plans just waiting to be hatched, but unless you take action today and start implementing ideas you come up with, you’ll never get anywhere.

By Carrie Luxem1851 Franchise Contributor
Updated 11:11AM 12/14/21

It’s a whole lot harder to execute ideas than to think of them. In fact, you may have any number of great plans just waiting to be hatched, but unless you take action today and start implementing ideas you come up with, you’ll never get anywhere.

The problem is that many people are unsure where to begin. So, here are 4 things I've done to break that cycle.

First, we tend to spend a lot of time worrying about things that ultimately don't really matter. Instead of getting caught up in the minuscule details, take a step back and gain some perspective.

The second thing that can help you take action today is to meet less and have purpose when you do meet. When you go into a meeting, make sure you have a predefined purpose and agenda. At the end of each meeting, write out a clear and simple action plan so that you can execute ideas right away.

Also, create deadlines and stick to them. When you come out of a meeting, know exactly who's responsible for each action item and have clear but flexible deadlines. This makes for better accountability in the process of implementing ideas.

Lastly, don't wait for perfection. That perfection that you think is right around the corner? It isn't coming. It’s what holds so many people back. A good plan executed today is better than a perfect plan executed next week.

Intention won’t get you very far. But when you execute ideas and take action today rather than waiting for perfection, good things start to happen.