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Using Counter Content to Offset Negatives in the Buying Process

Here’s how to create “counter content” to address any problems buyers might have in the sales process.

Great content attracts buyers. It does not, however, guarantee that the buyer won’t run into problems with your brand in the buying process.

That’s where counter content comes into play.  It allows you to satisfactorily address buyers' concerns while they’re still researching your brand. The trick is to include other people’s voices — not just the voice of your brand to help tell your story.

Turn the Negatives Into Positives

According to HubSpot, there are three stages to the buyer’s journey: the Awareness Stage (where the buyer becomes aware of the problem/service they need assistance with), the Consideration Stage (where the buyer determines if you offer the best solution) and the Decision Stage (where you, the provider, become aware of the buyer’s decision). 

The real battle is in the consideration stage, where 60% of buyers are ready to connect with a sales representative, according toHubSpot’s 2021 Sales Enablement Report. You need to answer any questions your potential buyer has at this point through counter content by turning negatives into positives and to convince hesitant buyers that the investment in your brand is specifically positioned to overcome that specific concern.

Learn From The Ones That Got Away 

Let’s say you’re managing your sales process, and a buyer who is close to the finish line says, “You know what, I’m going to go in a different direction because of X.” 

But you thought you had it in the bag! No matter why your buyer hesitated, however, you can transform that negative into counter content that will make the buyer feel more comfortable in the sales process.

Counter content anticipates all of the reasons why someone would not buy and transforms them into positives. If you create counter content, you at least give yourself a fighting shot when the buyer is doing their research.

Why Counter Content Is Effective

If you can recognize the potential landmines your buyers might face in the buying process, you can create counter content ahead of time that will offset any issues they might have.

Instead of buyers hearing you say, “Look, it really does work!”, counter content shows examples of other people — people who used to be in the exact position of the buyer — talking about their success with the brand.

The result is an established, problem-free relationship with your prospects, which will allow your brand not only to grow, but grow with the right people.


  • Make a list of all the possible concerns or objections you hear from potential buyers who are considering your brand. 
  • Write down some of your best arguments for overcoming those concerns and the way that your brand is positioned to address each specific objection.
  • Create a list of franchisees who had similar concerns but are now your success stories.
  • Establish a platform — it can be a blog, newsletter, social media, video or other method — in which the current franchisee is able to tell their story, with particular emphasis on early concerns.

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