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McDonald's Promotes Hot Spot Delivery With High Tech Picnic Blankets

The brand's recent social media giveaway featured a creative promotion of its mobile ordering services.

McDonald’s Sweden recently gave away limited edition picnic blankets featuring a scannable QR code. According to an article on Restaurant Dive, the high tech blankets were part of a unique promotion strategy bringing attention to the company’s flexible and efficient food-delivery service. 

“By scanning the blanket's QR code, a smartphone user sends their geographic location to their food-delivery service of choice, such as Uber Eats,” said the article. “The nearest McDonald's chain receives and fulfills the order before handing it off to the delivery service, which will then meet the customer at their blanket.”

In the U.S., brands such as Domino’s and 7-Eleven have tried similar tactics. According to the article, “McDonald's QR-enabled picnic blanket may help the company to stand out among a crowded field of fast food chains and delivery options.”

As people grow accustomed to on-demand services, it appears Mcdonald’s is betting on technology and personalized smartphone services to enhance the customer experience. 

To read the full article, click here.