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Mobile Kitchens Create New Opportunities for Franchise Growth

Like ghost kitchens, the new model offers restaurant brands vastly reduced operational costs compared to traditional brick-and-mortar restaurants.

We’ve already seen the increasing popularization of ghost kitchens during the COVID-19 crisis. Now, restaurant franchises are turning to another efficiency-minded operational strategy for restaurant brands: the mobile kitchen.

Companies like Mobile Kitchen, developed by Creations Global Retail, are creating stainless-steel structures that have enough space to build out a complete kitchen and are easily transportable with a utility vehicle.

On Tuesday, QSR Magazine published a closer look at the fledgling operational concept.

“The Mobile Kitchen is not a food truck, and it’s not a container. It’s a hybrid structure conceived as the best possible solution to a variety of divergent constraints,” said Jac Crawford CEO of the Creations Global Retail. “The Mobile Kitchen is a highly agile and adaptable platform that meets the needs of restaurateurs as those needs evolve.”

Franchise brands that adopt a mobile kitchen model will have a powerful sales pitch for prospective franchisees: a full-service restaurant operation with a low initial investment, flexible footprint and minimal overhead.

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