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Mobile Training May Provide a Modern Solution for Engaging the Current Workforce

Companies look to mobile devices and applications for training programs to better connect with new employees.

Employee training programs are getting a facelift in the digital age. Instead of giant binders filled with packets of information, companies are opting into a modern media: mobile devices.

A recent Restaurant Business article identified that many brands are changing the way they engage new employees during training. According to the article, restaurant employees, specifically younger staff members, have stated they learn better with demos and videos.

“Leveraging mobile training is an important step to not only enhance training in general, but to keep employees regularly engaged with the company as well as motivated and excited about where they work,” stated Restaurant Business.

With a mobile training program, companies can create a unified program that covers material across all locations. Such a feature “ensures greater consistency across the board, not only in training, but in communicating brand messages.”

As brands continue to expand their reach with new locations, many companies want to ensure brand voice remains the same. With accessible digital training programs, businesses will be able to coordinate such a feat.

To learn more about mobile training, read the full Restaurant Business article.