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National Restaurant Association and Others Voice Concerns Over $15 Minimum Wage Bill

The NRA, National Retail Federation, National Federation of Independent Business and National Association of Manufacturers all came out against the bill that would raise wages for 17 million Americans.

The $15 minimum wage bill was passed by the Democratic-majority chamber in a 231-199 vote. Many business and labor groups, however, are concerned about the impact this wage increase could be too expensive for employers and lead to higher rates on unemployment. 

Sean Kennedy, spokesperson for the National Restaurant Association delivered the following statement as reported by CNBC, “thousands of restaurant industry employees, leaders and community members have called and emailed Congress to share their concerns about how H.R. 582 would cripple small- and family-owned businesses.” Kennedy continued, “H.R. 582 is the wrong wage at the wrong time, implemented in the wrong way.”

A spokesperson from the National Retail Federation also criticized the bill. “This unprecedented proposal to increase the minimum wage by 107% is a one-size-fits all approach that would lead to unintended consequences for American workers and the businesses that employ them,” said David French, The NRF’s senior vice president of government relations.

President Donald Trump pledged to veto the bill were it to make it past the Senate. 

Other major industries and corporations, including McDonald’s and Amazon, are in favor of the wage increase. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos even challenged other industries to raise their wages to $15 in April of this year. 
Read the full story here.