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Nation's Restaurant News: Noodles & Company interim CFO moves to Qdoba

Following to years at Noodles & Company, Susan Daggett will take on a new role as Qdoba's chief financial officer.

Noodles & Company is seeking out a full-time CFO to follow the departure of Susan Daggett. According to a recent article in Nation's Restaurant News, the executive has moved on to a new role as official CFO for Qdoba

"Our search for a permanent CFO is in its final stages, and we hope to make a decision soon. In the meantime, functions that have reported to Sue will now report to CEO Dave Boennighausen," the company said.

Daggett had worked at Noodle & Company since 2016 where she initially served as president of finance. She will finish out her term in the interim CFO position on May 18th.

Read the full article here.