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Nation's Restaurant News: Starbucks rolls out lighter Blonde Espresso nationwide

Coffee giant launches first new core espresso launched in over 40 years.

Starbucks fans can now try a new espresso across America. According to a recent article in Nation's Restaurant News, the coffee giant's decision to premiere the Blonde Espresso marks the first new core espresso launched by the brand in over 40 years.

“Our partners are so passionate about their craft, and now they get to help our customers discover and personalize the foundation of the beverage — an espresso that is either bold and rich or smooth and bright. We want every experience our customers have with us to be perfect for them," said Kris Engskov of Starbucks.

The Blonde Espresso was tested in Canada last year and will now become a permanent feature across locations in the United States. According to the article, the espresso is available for use in all espresso-based menu items.

Read the full article here.